Friday, April 11, 2014

I have bitten the bullet this month and jumped on the band wagon following the H.B.O. version of George R. R. Martin's, "Song of Fire and Ice" series of books. So this month I am binge watching the first three seasons on the way to following the Fourth season more-or-less as it broadcasts on H.B.O. I had certain reasons for not wanting to follow the series up to this point. For one, I didn't really want the H.B.O. series informing my mind's eye view of the characters and the locations from the books.

The H.B.O. series also represents a certain level of illiteracy.  A couple of years ago at Convergence I was invited to sit on a panel entitled "Game of Thrones" where fans of Martin's series got together for an hour talking about where they would like to see the series go.  Although there was talk about both the books and the series at one point I made a reference to the "Crowning of the Cart King" scene and was greeted by a room full of mostly blank stares and bewildered comments despite what a pivotal scene this was early in the series. I didn't understand at the time why no one seemed to get the reference.

This month having watched the H.B.O. series I realized that the whole "Cart King" sequence from the books was left out of the H.B.O. series. Though I was talking about Viserys Targaryen's death the room didn't get it because almost no one in that room had actually cracked a book.

For the most part though I am fairly happy with the interpretations from the series, having already formed my own opinions based on Martin's work. So far only the interpretation of the Eyrie as a massive stone eggplant on the Vale rather than the mountain redoubt on the top of the crags Martin describes in the books stands in glaring contrast.

However having started watching the series, it occurs to me there are a number of places where specific actors may have been miscast for certain roles.

Mads Mikkelsen should have been cast as Baelon Greyjoy. No particular offense to the actor they chose for the role, but he just isn't what I pictured for the role. Kind of milktoast for the character. Also Alfie Allen looks kind of like where Mads Mikkelsen's cheekbones went to die. Meaning, seeing the two actors side by side a viewer might infer a family resemblance between the characters. The three actors they have in the series playing Baelon, Theon, and Yara look like what they are, three completely unrelated actors who have nothing in common with each other playing roles where they are supposedly blood relatives. In addition, I know a not inconsiderable contingent of fandom, both female and some of them male, who wouldn't mind being Baelon's Salt Wives under those circumstances.

Also, Loras Tywin, the Knight of Flowers, is supposed to be the fairest, most atttractive male in all of the Kingdoms of Westeros.  So why does the actor playing Lancel Lannister look fairer? In the books he seemed rather non-descript to me. I think the actors should switch roles before its too late.  Oh no, too late!!! I am only about halfway through the second season at this point but know that both Baelon and Lancel are about to become historical footnotes.

Thirdly: Ian MacShane should have been cast as Roose Bolton of the Dread Fort. In the books,as soon as you are made aware of Roose Bolton, the master of the Dreadfort and the Banner Man of the Flayed Man; you feel like you should be hiding the good silverware and the good servants. In the series, the actor playing the character is kind of non-descript. Being so early in the series I am sure I just need to give him a chance to be diabolical. However, had they cast Ian MacShane for the part, Game of Thrones viewers would have known right away; here is a character you should trust to try and flay you the first chance he gets.

That is all for now. Thank you for your consideration.

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