Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Millions of years ago, the Cockatamel roamed over the vast expanses of the Gobi desert.  It grazed on sparse desert vegetation and used its beak to break into drought resistant nuts and seeds.  Like other extinct cryptids, including Megalonyx and the Six-seater Iguanadon, the Cockatamel has long since been obscured by the sands of time, obscurity, and misdirection.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Post-post-Modern Man

Today's sketch is brought to you from the era of modern art and Dr. Seuss.  Please enjoy responsibly.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It wasn't too long ago in my home in southern Minnesota, that I could encounter minnows, crayfish, frogs, salamanders, birds and a huge variety of insects just by stepping out my front door and going for a walk.

It wasn't like I lived in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area or anything either.  The river that ran through the middle of our town was the outflow for a mill plant.  Everywhere was waste ground from this building being torn down or that parking lot being paved.  Yet if you just looked you could always find everywhere the signs that you were not alone.

This morning I saw a grasshopper clinging to one of my fence posts.  I haven't seen a single grasshopper in months.  Talk about a survivor with an uncertain future.  After decades of Chem-lawn and such, good for him and his that they have hung on this long.

About a week ago I found a toad hiding beneath our bird bath.  It has been literally years since I last saw a toad.  Once they abounded everywhere.  I remember having to walk carefully through fields to avoid stepping on the hundreds of tiny frogs and toads around.  Now, years since I last saw one.  The last frog I saw was one that one of my dogs critically injured last autumn.

When I walk through a field or forest now and see a firefly I am dazzled not just by their amazing star-like glow as I have been since I was small.  I am dazzled that after the years  there are still fireflies, some of the most delicate and sensitive insects to poisons.

Signs of life are becoming scarcer, and more and more homogenous.  The animals that have been the most successful at adapting to us.  Ironically, the very species people use poisons, traps, and insecticides to kill.  Our chemical arsenal weeds out their competitors and leaves us alone with our nuisance animals.  Roaches, ants, squirrels and rats, pigeons and gulls.  Now and forever, world without end.

Friday, September 6, 2013

I suppose now it is time to stop kidding myself.  Wondering the last few days if the leaves were starting to change because it has been so dry the last few days.

I think it's quite clear that fall is now here.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

"Reginald's Tail Was Problematic...Even Choosing the Four-Wheel Parambulator over the Two-Wheel Velocipede." 

My apologies for my jumbled lettering.  I assure you my penmanship would be better if I didn't seem to get a %&$@#! hand cramp every time I attempted hand lettering.

Maybe it's just time to get all techno and do everything in "comic sans serif".

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

This could blow the lid right off some of science's greatest mysteries.

 Greetings Earthistani people.

From a distant arm of our spiral galaxy.  Come to our planet to discover the truth behind some of the greatest mysteries in the Universe.  Like whether "Matt's" or the "5-8 Club" or someone else entirely invented the Juicy Lucy.

Could it be....ancient aliens??

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Looking back on yesterday I see a man with a curious mustache leaning against a door frame.  This curious mustache appears to be grown out of pinion feathers rather than the standard material.

Rather odd.