Monday, July 15, 2013

"Sharkopotamus Killed My Sister!"

Thrill to the most dangerous night on television.  The shark, most deadly of ocean predators.  The hippopotamus, most dangerous land animal in Africa.  A genetic experiment gone horribly wrong fuses them together into nature's perfect killing machine.  Deadly in the water, unpredictable and dangerous on land; Sharkopotamus.  

Bruce Boxleitner stars as the geneticist who must repent after his experiments go out of control and wreak havoc.  Soon the resulting mutant monsters will spread across the globe.  It seems like nothing can slow the onslaught of the Sharkopotamus.  Corben Bernson stars as the big game hunter that our hero scientist enlists to help him save the world from the colossal beasts.. 

Yancy Butler's character is tragically devoured in the "rubbing bacon on your butt and calling yourself bait" scene where they try to lure all the ornery Sharkopotami into one giant killing pen to electrocute them with the world's largest toaster.  Will Sharkopotamus invade all the oceans of the world and conquer on land as well.  Stay tuned to the Strangest Night on Television to find out.

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